Thursday, June 26, 2008

A memorable weekend!

I am not quite sure how many of you know Urbana-Champaign as a place. Basically it is an university town and hence the most happening place in the world. We have like more than 100 food places to choose from, tourist spots run in thousands and yes, the city never sleeps. I just hope all that was true! It is a town with little more than 10 good food places to eat (rest of them are bars for "HOT" under-grads), there are just two tourist spots and you will never find a soul on the street after 9pm. Now, to top this all I stay alone in the house, not that I blame anyone to have made this choice but just to put forth the severity of loneliness.
All this was pretty much taken away last weekend by the "crazy girl". There is only one "crazy girl" in my life and that is Tejal. Exactly, after 6 months that I moved to this place finally she could make it here. She was trying to get here since a long time but unfortunately the plan never got off ground but, nonetheless finally she arrived in town and it was just awesome after that.
She came in on friday night after work and much to my expectations as soon as she met me said, "I am too tired and sleepy". With her there are 3 things that keep going on in circle. She is hungry, sleepy or bored. This pretty much takes up most of her wake time, yeah she does break the cycle on some occasions and brings out her 4th emotion i.e. Mania. But, she is at her best when she is this state. If you ever catch this animal while she is in her 4th emotional state then I must you are really lucky. Anyways at the time when I met her at the train station she was in the hungry and the sleepy state (dangerous combo). So, went to her favorite food place i.e. I-Hop ( yes dont be so surprised Champaign has I-Hop) and her tummy and mind both were at peace when we got out. We got home and decided to call it a day as she had worked for 8 hours and then made the 2 hour travel to U-C, but when both of us get together theres no full stop on the long talks (read gossip). Finally at 3am we called it day (or night)
The next morning was just amazing. We woke up made some nice tea and then a crazy idea just struck both of us. We decided to go for a nice canoe ride. It was so instantaneous that we didnt get time to pack any lunch but nonetheless the 8 mile canoe was purely amazing. Not only was the day beautiful but the river had just the perfect flow. The worst part was that we didnt carry anything to eat. If you have ever gone for a canoe trip you will know that what we did is a cardinal sin. It is advisable for health reasons to carry a lot of liquids and good amount of food but nonetheless it was an instant plan and hence even though we cribbed about lack of food we enjoyed every bit of the trip. The best part after the trip was food and the 2 hour power nap/sleep.
For the evening of that saturday we had alerady made plans (which wont be discussed here). But all I can say is that we celebrated 31st Dec. in the month of June.
Alas..came sunday. Late morning shopping and then lunch at my advisor's house and it was time for her to leave.
I can certainly state that this was the shortest weekend I ever had after I moved to Champaign. Also I am not sure if that was the first and the last time Tejal visited this house in Champaign. But I can surely say that it was the best weekend I had here. Thank you Minta. :-)