Tuesday, July 18, 2006


"No Fear, No Distractions" - Tyler Durden. Watched Fightclub for the 8th time last night. This movie is like the inspirational bank when you are in the deepest possible shit. The movie isnt just complex as film but when you start to relate it to actual practical life and take bits and parts from it, it grows all the more complex.
Ever thought of this, "Things that you own, end up owning you!" Its a simple statement and Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt says this with all the more simplicity and just as a matter of fact but now just take a moment and think about all the things that you own..pick out your favourite one..and now just for a split second imagine I come to your place and burn that thing.. I can clearly see anger on your mind even with that thought. Its just a thing you own, but now it controls your emotions..IT OWNS YOU!
In life we always try to control every single thing around. Have you ever just let something voluntarily let go out of control? We can't do that; to do such a thing we need to be as crazy as Tyler is but after watching him let go the steering on the expressway you feel that we need to let go certain things. Mind you this is just a feeling because come what may we will try to control everything around.
Alright by now you have made a conclusion in your mind that I am truly insane. Maybe! But this is what the movie is supposed to do to you. Turn you crazy!!!!