Friday, June 23, 2006

Cup of Tea..

I can still remember getting up at 7am in the morning and even before opening my eyes would tell dad, "Baba Chaha.." (Dad get me tea).. and he would persistently without saying a single word would get it in the bed and then wake me up. I would enjoy that bed tea and then again doze off for 10 min nap before getting ready to go my care-taker's house.
Morning tea for my dad is like a thing full of pride because in last 25 years he has never allowed anyone to prepare the morning tea and also incredibly the beautiful taste doesn't change by a whisker ever. It was a pretty unnatural habit that he had inculcated in me; firstly, a 5 yr. old being given tea in the morning instead of milk and to top it all it was 'Bed Tea'. My aunt (Lata atya) would visit my house at times always would criticize baba over the fact that it was a bad habit but he never budged from that Bed Tea serving.
I still cannot recollect how and when I suddenly stopped the bed tea habit but what never stopped was baba serving the morning tea right in my hands even at the age of 23. I came to Chicago in July 2005 and since then never tasted the most beautiful cup of tea that my dad made nor got a cup of tea served it in my hands. Not a day has passed by when I get up in the morning and wish to utter the words, "Baba Chaha.."
I know that the day I get home and next day get up in the morning baba would be there with that Cup of Tea!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Out of Service..

I decided that not to update the blog till a great friend of mine and always the first person to read my blog is back from vacation. So next posting after June 20th.